Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Juan Gavilanes The Saga Begins

Date: Tuesday, March 27, 2006
Time: 4:10 pm
Place: My house

Right now at this moment I'm trying to think of how I can become a successful person. The other day I was watching the well known movie Goodfellas starring Robert Deniro and Ray Liotta. When I saw this movie I noticed something that I could use to become successful. I started to laugh to myself cause I found this in a Italian mafia movie. I noticed how the mafia is so well organized and always looked for ways to get around the system so they can get more money. I noticed that I wasn't organized with my work. I did my work but I never kept a logbook. If I didn't keep a logbook I'm unable to calculate the miles I run throughout the year and when the IRS comes around I will be in big trouble. Also I am getting too satisfied with what I am currently doing as a CDL driver. I know I must keep looking or the next best thing and go for it. The more money I make the closer I am to retiring at an early age and live life. Be able to go to my house and wake p whenever I want to and do whatever I want to do.

1 comment:

-Sharon- said...

I agree... I think I should keep a log book as well. I also agree with you on the idea of waking up and doing whatever I want whenever I want. =)