Thursday, March 22, 2007

Juan Gavilanes The saga begins

Date:Thursday, March 22,2007
Time: 10:35 am
Place: My Truck

Well I thought as I',m waiting for my box to come in to load it I might as well right a little something in the meantime. Um I would just like to say in this blog that it may seem easy writing blogs everyday for about ten minutes but if you have a life like me its gets kinda difficult. I really can't just stop work to start doing homework. I constantly on the road all day and my truck is basically my bread and butter. If I stop to write on my laptop I miss very valuable time to finish my trip. Luckily for today the ports are kinda busy so I kinda have between 15-20 min waiting time before my container comes in. Either ways I'm willing to sacrifice sleeping and social time for at the end become a better me. I'm striving to get my MBA and if I manage to get that I'm going to get my PhD in my field. I want to become the best and nothing else and I don't give up. I may leave it for a while but I don't give up. Giving up is for losers with low self esteem. I'm not that way I know for a fact if you really want it you'll get. So if anyone is reading this blog make sure to keep that attitude. Nobody will make your life easy, you must make it easy and wealthful.

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